Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sustainable living is fundamentally the application of sustainability to lifestyle choice and decisions. One conception of sustainable living expresses what it means in triple-bottom-line terms as meeting present ecological, societal, and economical needs without compromising these factors for future generations. If we observe towards the life of any community or person, we find that only Adiwasis, the tribal people (of India) live a truly sustainable lifestyle. The life style of tribes is very sustainable. The writer has spent 15 years time among them to understand how they live with minimal or no adverse environmental, economical and social impact. They life off their land. Everything ranging from their dwellings, dresses and cooking practices are environmentally responsible. When the World is looking desperately for the solutions to save to Earth, it is tribal people only who are doing best in this contest. They have a ‘symbiotic relationship with nature’, and their existence was never based on accumulation or consumerism. They took what they needed from nature, but never in excess. They never hoarded. They never had a need to subdue, conquer or master nature.  They do not cut down vast tracts of forest. They plant vegetables between the trees. For them the sustainable living means using as few resources as possible and causes the least amount of environmental damage for future generations to deal with. In terms of houses, they build in such a way that they use few nonrenewable resources, do not require much energy to run, and cause little or no damage to surrounding environment. It is constructed from the materials that have been produced in an environmentally friendly manner. They use straw bales, bamboos or reclaimed stone or bricks

Their lifestyle leaves as little impact on the world as possible. The tribal people are formally following vegetarian lifestyle i.e. they only eat rice and potatoes. Some of them are non-vegetarian but they rear the chicken and duck in their courtyard or they catch the fish in the river but their lifestyle requires the fewest resources to produce and causes the least amount of environmental damage or degradation. The food is grown organically without the use of chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides that can pollute the environment and cause health problems to other animals and humans. They eat food that has been grown locally which reduce the problems caused by transporting food over long distances. Their sustainable living involves living as lightly as on the Earth as possible. They use very few resources and leave the environment as untouched as possible so that their future generations

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fisher women of Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

About 250 fisher women lives along with their families at the villages situated on the bank of river Narmada. They and their families are fully dependent on the catch, they do every day. In the past we have organized training program for them and have advised them suitably during the training to adopt new ways. Still their catch is very small. They don't have any land or other means to support to enhance the income of the family.

We are planning to form the SHGs. Hopefully this will help them. They have traditional boats and they catch the fish by net only. Any innovative idea to enhance their income!!! What steps should be taken to help them. Please guide!


NRMCW is going to participate in World CSR Congress on 18th February 2015 at Hotel Taj Lands End, Mumbai. Our organization has already been enrolled for Guidestar India's certification and we have hopefully qualified for the "Platinum Certificate" and we shall be awarded Platinum Seal before the distinguished audience at the event. This will make our organization creditable in the eyes of the donors. A detailed report shall be shared once we come back from there.